Monday, July 19, 2010

Guess what I started today?

We're still missing about half of our RSVP's so my mom and I haven't started the seating chart just yet, but I figure it doesn't hurt to start writing these out for people that have already mailed back yeses. There is no such thing as being over ready right?!

A funny aside about these. Ronnie is a Jr. so the Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Webb card is for his parents. When I set them out on the table to dry, Ronnie saw it and thought it was our card (since that is what we will also be after the wedding) so he wrote "I love you!" on the inside of it. He made me throw it out because he thought it was weird to have that on the inside of his parents card, but it made me think how fun it would be to put a personal note inside of everyone's cards. I highly doubt I'll have the time but I really think it's a cute idea.


  1. I need to request a note and that you write Bones on the inside of Pagels.

  2. haha! I was thinking that when I posted that! can I put Team Sara (H)!!! and the chubby dog club inside of yours?! haha!

  3. Team Sarah, yes. Chubby dog club, that depends. Does Dublin have a place card?

  4. don't tempt me to make him one! I wanted Pepito to be our ring bearer, but they don't allow dogs. :(
